How to grow your blog in 2021 for free and Earn Your First $1000 as a Blogger in less than 3 months

Now-a-days ,“How to grow your blog in 2021 for free” is the most popular search in the internet. Mostly beginners are extremely curious to know how to earn money online as a blogger in a very less period of time.

how to grow your blog
how to grow your blog

How do I make my first $1000 blog ?

Before I go through the topic – how to grow your blog in 2021, I want to know your intention towards blogging. It must be very clear to start with your first blog.

Making your first $1000 as a blogger is very easy if you have the following four things

  1. Interest in reading and writing
  2. Quality time
  3. Proper/clear motive for starting your blog
  4. Work on your interested area/niche

How to become a successful Blogger ?

Today I am going to give you information on a very interesting topic about which a lot of people especially beginners want to know. These are the people who have just created a new blog or want to start blogging.

I have already written a very beautiful blog post regarding blogging on You can check out the title – “ What is blogging – How does it work for beginners in 2021-How to start your first blog? “ If you have not gone through the above article, then you must go through that before proceeding further. There you will get an idea about blogging and how does it work for beginners to start their first-ever blog online.

Benefits of Blog

If I describe a “Blog” in a layman’s language then it’s nothing but a “Diary” or a notebook – that many of us use to write our memories, stories, experiences, daily activities, etc.

Have you ever maintained a Dairy of your own – writing every day before going to bed or if you know someone maintaining this in your family and friends! If yes, then you can better understand this term.

For me, a blog is a digital form of a diary where people love to write about something that others love to read for having better knowledge, skills, and experiences. It’s nothing but an online journal published by the owner for different readers through an online open platform called a blog/website.

So , Let’s talk about the benefits or advantages of blog or doing blogging

1.Do your work freely ( No Boss for you):

This is a way to earn money in which you have no boss who keeps telling you all the time what you have to do, how to do it, and when to do it. You are your own boss in this profession and you get complete freedom to work in it. That is why the youth of today prefer to make a career in blogging so that they can work according to their own.

2.Your passion remains intact:

If you love to read and write using both physical and digital platforms, then your passion for this will remain intact through your blog.

3.No more fixed hour working & Schedules:

Say goodbye to fixed working hours and hectic schedules. Be your own boss and set your own deadlines and schedules at your convenience.

4.Can improve your writing skills & technical knowledge:

While maintaining your blogs through different blog posts, your writing skills will be improved a lot. You can become a professional writer or blogger in due course of time. Your literature, grammar, and off-course, your technical knowledge will be enhanced.

5.Able to connect with new people:

You will be able to connect with new people on the internet through different social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc. Here you can create and increase your social presence.

6.Can create, run and promote your own business:

People always start their first blog to fulfill their passion for reading and writing. But, in course of time, their passion becomes business. They start earning from their blog. They can create new businesses and can promote them on the internet through their blogs.

7.Can become famous:

You can create your own identity through your blog. If you write and express your thoughts through your articles/blog posts that address the needs/problems of your audience, then people will start recognizing you in this internet world. Currently, you will find a lot of famous bloggers. They are internet celebrities.

8.Can create an online community:

You can create an online community of like-minded people or your followers on the internet. Here you can share your ideas, values with the members of this community. You can also help and get helped through this community.

9.Can become an Affiliate and digital marketer:

You can become an affiliate marketer using your different blogs and can earn money by selling products of different manufacturers without hoarding the products physically. As an affiliate marketer, you will refer a digital product to your audiences by publishing different blog posts related to that product.

10.Can make money online:

Blogging can be taken as a part-time or full-time job. But in both cases, you can make a lot of money or dollars from your blog that had been started to fulfill your passion some days ago. So blogging creates opportunities for online earning.

How to grow your blog in 2021 for free ?

However, like other professions, blogging also takes a lot of effort and giving more and more time to it. That proves to be beneficial in a long run. Blogging requires a lot of patience, so you have to keep working on it by trusting yourself until you get success.

After preparing your blog, the thing that is most important is your first blog post. It’s because when a reader comes to your blog, first of all, he will see your content on what you have written about.

That is why in order to be successful in blogging, you must know what and how to write in your blog. If you also find these questions troubling, then read this article till the end. I am sure that you will definitely get answers to your questions.

What to write for your first blog post ?

So here we will know, what things have to be kept in mind to write a blog. When a new blogger creates his blog, then his next step is to write a post for the blog, which we also call an article or a blog post. For example, a topic can be how to grow your blog in 2021.

In any blog, there are many different topics on which we have already written or currently writing articles, that is what we call a blog post. Content is written or published in different formats like text images, graphics, or videos in a blog post.

Whether you have created a blog for any purpose, the content of your blog for personal work or for business plays an important role in the success of the blog. The first post of any blog tells about on which subject a reader is going to get information on that blog.

Knowingly or unknowingly, a blog is generally based on a niche. Such as technology, gadgets review, sports, health, education, entertainment, etc.

Regardless of any topic/niche, you create your blog, but the only thing you have to keep in mind is that after reading your first post, the visitor wishes that he will come back to your blog again and do not go back disappointed.

If the user gets the correct information that he/she needs then he/she will come back to your site in the future for further need. Only then your blog post will rank on the first page of Google if you have done both on-page and off-page SEO. Accordingly, Google will start sending traffic to your blog.

Before making a blog, bloggers generally decide the topic first and then plan for writing on the topic on that particular day. But when it comes to writing, at that time, we do not understand

how to and where to start

what information to give

which  problems are to be addressed and

how many words should be in our article,

Certainly, all these problems start to arise. You must have done a lot of research before creating a blog and you also aware of the fact that nowadays, Google ranks those articles whose content is long having more words with uniqueness.

 So in the initial days, a blogger has to face a lot of trouble while writing an article. So today I will give you some important tips to reduce these problems. By using this, you will be able to write a good and interactive article.

So let’s start with some valuable tips for writing articles. This will guide you to know how to grow your blog in 2021.

1.Choosing your Keyword for your Blog post:

Before writing an article, first, you have to choose a topic that is written by very few people or to write on such topics whose search volume is high. Search volume means the topic about which people search more.

There are some websites where you can find the search volume of any topic for free. Such as Google Trends, Google’s Keyword Planner, etc.

On these websites, you will find the average monthly searches of any topic/keyword. You will come to know the percentage of people who are interested in this keyword and searching in Google. In addition to this, it is also said that the competition of that topic is high medium, or low.

If the competition of that topic or Keyword is high then you won’t be able to rank quickly in Google nowadays. Because lots of articles are already being published by different writers previously. So it is better that you choose a medium or low competition topic/keyword that has a low search volume and less competition.

2.Gather information around the keyword that you have selected:

After choosing the topic, you must search the related books or sites that will give you an idea for writing your post.

Now it is the turn to get complete information about that topic. By the way, you will choose only those articles about which you have the knowledge, but it is also important for you to gather more information related to it so that you can provide a complete package having end to end information about that topic in your article.

3.Write 100% unique article or zero plagiarism article:

For this, you will have to read five to six articles related to that topic from other blogs/websites. Here, one thing you have to keep in mind is that you won’t do copy-paste work. Rather, collect information from different areas and then write it in your own words to make it very unique. You can use for checking the percentage of uniqueness for your post. This is called checking plagiarism.  

4.Use of Headings and subheadings in your post for a free flow article:

The most important thing that you know to grow your blog is to write an article in a free flow manner. Whether you use Blogger or WordPress platform, it’s most important that your article must revolve around your selected keyword.

Its to keep in mind that readers must get the right information from your blog post. For that, you must write the introduction of your post before writing the main heading.

You should keep the intro limited to five to seven lines so that people understand what is going to be known about the subject in this article. Write main heading after insertion.

Then write all the headings. For example, if you have a main heading, what is a computer, then all your headings will be like –

History of the computer,

Types of Computers and their specifications,

Use of Computes,

Advantages of having computers for different set of people etc.

Just use all the above things as a heading for this topic while keeping these words in bold. So that it will be easier for you to rank on Google page nowadays.

5. Minimum Word count for a blogpost:

Now here comes the question of how many words you have to write your article. Although no criteria have been released for this, it has been found from many types of research that Google and other search engines give more preference to posts written in 600 to 2000 words.

So it is good that you must prefer to write your post with minimum of 600 words.

6.Concluding your post in a compiling mode:

Finally, when all the information is complete, you can also write a conclusion. It is necessary to write a conclusion to tell about the content you have written.

There should be four to five lines. The reader must understand what you have covered in your article through this conclusion. If he has missed a point, it is likely that he will go back to see what he has missed.

7.Use of an image related to your post:

Nowadays, after writing the whole article, you will also have to put an image in your post in a proper place. The image must be related to your content.

You have to use the images that are available for free or you have to create those. Otherwise, your blog will be copyrighted. So to download copyright-free images, you can use some websites. You won’t have any issues downloading images from these websites. Examples of such websites are Pix Bay, Pixels, Pic Jumbo, etc.


Now you have written a good, zero plagiarism article with all heading and subheadings with a copy write the free image. Now your article is ready to be published.

Now you have to publish it and share your article on social media to reach your content to maximum audience. Friends, you cannot become a good blogger unless and until you put good content on your blog consistently. So that your audience will be happy with your work.

There is no need to hurry in writing articles. To grow your blog and to earn your first $1000 from your blog is very easy if you follow all the discussed points in this article with the topic – “how to grow your blog in 2021 for free and Earn Your First $1000 as a Blogger in less than 3 months “.

Thanks for going through this very popular article on this blog. You can also go through our other popular articles that will make you grow as a popular blogger. Don’t forget to provide your valuable comments below.


How to get traffic to a new blog ?

Traffic can be gained through both organically and paid methods. But I would suggest Organic traffic for beginners/newbies. This will be done through

a) Choosing a very less competitive topic searched through Google keyword planner (Free Method) or through some paid methods.

b) Select your keyword and write a very interactive article around this focus keyword.

c) Your article must be having all the necessary solutions/answers related to the focus keyword.

d) Proper on the page and off-page SEO must be done

e) Use social media for traffic.

f) Use quality backlinks.

g) You must have proper knowledge of how to grow your blog.

How to grow your blog in 2021?

However, like other professions, blogging also takes a lot of effort and giving more and more time to it. That proves to be beneficial in a long run. Blogging requires a lot of patience, so you have to keep working on it by trusting yourself until you get success.

After preparing your blog, the thing that is most important is your first blog post. It’s because when a reader comes to your blog, first of all, he will see your content on what you have written about.

That is why in order to be successful in blogging, you must know what and how to write in your blog. If you also find these questions troubling, then read this article till the end. I am sure that you will definitely get answers to your questions.

How to grow your blog in 2021 is won’t be a big question/deal if you sincerely love reading & writing on the internet while making your passion – your profession.

Minimum Word count for a blogpost ?

Now here comes the question of how many words you have to write your article. Although no criteria have been released for this, it has been found from many types of research that Google and other search engines give more preference to posts written in 600 to 2000 words.

So it is good that you must prefer to write your post with minimum of 600 words.

How to use keywords in your article ?

Before writing an article, first, you have to choose a topic that is written by very few people or to write on such topics whose search volume is high. Search volume means the topic about which people search more.

There are some websites where you can find the search volume of any topic for free. Such as Google Trends, Google’s Keyword Planner, etc.

On these websites, you will find the average monthly searches of any topic/keyword. You will come to know the percentage of people who are interested in this keyword and searching in Google. In addition to this, it is also said that the competition of that topic is high medium, or low.

If the competition of that topic or Keyword is high then you won’t be able to rank quickly in Google nowadays. Because lots of articles are already being published by different writers previously. So it is better that you choose a medium or low competition topic/keyword that has a low search volume and less competition.

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